Top 3 Criteria When Choosing a Shake
Indicators - How to pick a winner? What is an “indicator”? We call indicators ingredients that can easily be seen on the label that highlight whether a shake is as good as it seems. For example, do you see inexpensive and or controversial ingredients like soy or rice proteins on the “ingredients” label? Are there artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, or high fructose corn syrup in the mix? All of these are indicators of lower quality. They...
Read More...Consumer Soy Alert! What You Need to Know
Question: Is soy protein okay in my meal replacement shake? Answer: Major clinical studies are being published each week linking soy to a wide range of ailments, many listed below. This is why you will not find a soy product in our TOP 10 recommended products. Our stance is simple -- until we know more about the risk, “why risk it?” Consumers fortunately have many non-soy products to choose from. Dr. Oz Warns Against Soy and Offers his...
Read More...Dr.Oz, “Instantly boost your metabolism by 25% by simply”….
According to Dr. Oz Meal-replacement shakes are an effective, easy way to drop pounds. They teach you how to eat less and lose weight quickly and permanently – and the right shake can boost your metabolism by 25%. Who doesn’t need that? The fact is, when you’re trying to lose body fat, you can’t skip breakfast – but you may be too busy to think about calories and to make healthy choices. That’s why drinking a...
Read More...Beware of Import Dumping, Is your protein safe?
Due to unsatisfactory or non-existent regulations in the countries of origin for whey, knockoff whey products are able to slip into the United States undetected. Several recent cases involving imported proteins labeled as “whey” have been found to contain no whey protein at all. [2] Fillers and less expensive soy, rice, pea, vegetable, animal proteins often find their way into labels that claim to be “pure whey”. This should make you think twice if you typically...
Read More...Artificial Sweeteners: Facts and Fiction
It's extremely important to always check the ingredient label of your protein shake to see if it contains artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners have been linked to an array of potentially hazardous health effects that you should be aware of. Below will outline what you need to know about artificial sweeteners to make a protein or meal replacement shake purchase as an educated consumer. Artificial sweeteners are so confusing Whether you're enjoying a latte at your...
Read More...If you’re using a soy based meal replacement shake to lose fat while gaining muscle, you may as well be drinking water
Need yet another reason to choose whey protein over soy when trying to preserve and build lean muscle mass? A new study (1) from McMaster University in Canada found that, when compared to whey protein, ingesting soy protein after a workout or at rest does about as much as plain water for MPS [muscle protein synthesis]. The study randomized 30 elderly men into three treatment groups to test the effects of ingesting zero grams of protein, 20 grams of soy protein, or 40...
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